The members of the Order of Malta and the Malteser Hospitaller Service work on a voluntary basis. We are very grateful for every donation. You will receive our thanks for each contribution made and a donation confirmation certificate for tax purposes by mail.
You can make your donation directly to a particular project of the Swiss Order of Malta or to the FONDAHOM foundation. We would be grateful if you would indicate which project you wish to support through your donation.
Donate by bank transfer
to the Foundation of the Swiss Association:
Fondation de l’Association Helvétique de l’Ordre de Malte
Boulevard de Pérolles 7, 1700 Fribourg
to a particular project of the Swiss Order of Malta:
Malteser Hospitaldienst Schweiz, Bern (Hospitaller Service)
Foundation „Aide et Assistance“
Foundation CIOMAL of the Order of Malta
Bank: Postfinance SA, Berne
CCP 12-13717-1
IBAN-BIC: CH 16 0900 0000 1201 3717 1-POFICHBE
Fondation Pro Tantour
Sovereign Order of Malta Switzerland
Kommende, Post-Office Box, CH-6260 Reiden - Switzerland, Tel. +41 62 758 11 44