Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta Order of Malta

Order of Malta



Election of Fra’ Marco Luzzago as Lieutenant of Grand Master


In Rome, on November 8th, the Council Complete of State, the electoral body, has elected Fra’ Marco Luzzago Lieutenant of Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Born in Brescia in 1950, Fra’ Marco has joined the Order of Malta in 1975 in the Grand Priory of Lombardy and Venice and pronounced his perpetual vows in 2003. The Lieutenant of Grand Master remains in charge for one year, with the same powers as a Grand Master. He must reconvene the Complete Council of State before the end of his term of office.

Sovereign Order of Malta Switzerland

Secretariat General

Kommende, Post-Office Box, CH-6260 Reiden - Switzerland, Tel. +41 62 758 11 44